Flash developed by Jonathan Gay originally developed for Smartsketch now owned and developed by Adobe Corporation. Flash was developed as an incredibly flexible and effective web content delivery platform where graphics movement and user interaction where key components. It has undergone many changes and modifications in the last few years as internet browsing has been increasingly more common on mobile devices. Unfortunately, because of its design and proprietary nature it has become a lot less efficient and desirable versus open standards like HTML5.
Companies like Apple and the iPhone purposely don’t support flash on their mobile devices browsers instead opting for the more efficient and open platform based HTML5. Unfortunately, some of the most popular video and games sites on the internet still rely on Flash for its videos to run.
In late 2011 Adobe Flash gave into the Mobile flash war with Apple and agreed to create a server-based application that would “re-package” the Flash into HTML5 format. This didn’t mean that Flash would be supported on IOS enabled devices but it did now have a means to view Flash-enabled sites exported on the server side to HTML 5.
HTML5 was designed specifically with the next generation of internet use in mind. It is efficient and does not require any other software other than an internet browser, making it more attractive to potential mobile device manufacturers. With Flash, a certain amount of software is required to be able to view anything that has been created. With HTML5, all that is needed is the latest capable browser, which comes as standard with most, if not all, mobile devices.
HTML5 has been designed to do everything that Flash can do, but quicker and simpler with its benefits over Flash greatly outweighing its caveats. There is no need for other software and because it is coded; it can stream, rather than having to buffer before it can be used. Some sites require a few seconds or up to a minute of loading time before they can be accessed. Those programmed in HTML5 are much faster at loading, and do not, in most cases, require pre-loading before they can be accessed. So online casino real money online casino games can be accessed much quicker, for example.
Is HTML5 the way that the internet and interactive sites will be created in the future with the eventual phase out of Flash-based websites?. It seems that this may be the eventual demise of Flash and Flash-based sites as newer and more efficient technologies come to light and into the mainstream.